Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 27th Lunch

February 27th,

I made a delicious new menu discovery using left over tomato egg soup from yesterday.

It took me about 5 min to make, using left over soup and rice.

Tomato Risotto Topped with Avocado

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 26th Lunch

February 26th,

It's such a lovely spring weather day, but they said it'll get cold again by the weekend.

Today's lunch:

Tomato and Egg Udon Soup

Chicken and Hanpen Tsukune in Teriyaki Sauce

Tsukune is basically a chicken meatball.  You can find it most commonly on the menu at yaki tori restaurants.  It's usually served with tare (a sticky sweet sauce) or salt.

Hanpen is an ingredient that often looks like a giant square marshmallow (the ones they sell at the super markets in Japan).  It's made mostly from fish and egg whites.  The great part of hanpen is that it's low in fat and calories but will add volume to your dish so it's very healthy!

You may find it at an Asian grocery store.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 25th Lunch

February 25th,

Running behind schedule.
Decided to make a simple lunch.  Used canned yaki tori (sauce flavored).

Cheesy Yaki Tori Open Sandwich

Basil Oven Pumpkin Fries

Mackerel Burger Salad

February 23rd Lunch

February 23rd,

Tried a hand at the poached egg again.

The shape isn't so great but the taste was glorious!

English Muffin with Mackerel Burger Topped with Melty Cheese and a Poached Egg.

Basil Oven Pumpkin Fries

Simple Salad

In Japan, it's safe to eat eggs even if they're raw because they inspect every egg.

The gooey golden deliciousness.... can't... stop... the drooling...

The other plain half of English muffin I of course used to eat any remaining egg yolk.

February 22nd Lunch

February 22nd,

When I can't think up a menu I turn to the tuna melt.

A tuna melt will never let you down.

Open Tuna Melt with Avocado and Tomato

Basil Oven Fries

Fish Sausage and Cucumber Salad

All the round open sandwiches were made with English Muffins.
Mmmm... tasty.

February 20th Lunch

February 20th,

Used my favorite meat sauce again!!

Meat Sauce and Cheese Open Sandwich with Avocado

Basil Oven Pumpkin Chips


I think I'm addicted to this meat sauce.  The combination of meat sauce, cheese, and avocado it magical!!

February 18th Lunch

February 18th,

Went out for lunch today,

A good friend from the high school days came to Japan!

Japanese style burger teishyoku

Teishyoku refers to a common set menu that comes with a main dish, rice, soup, and a side (usually pickled vegetables).

The rice is pink because it's a mixture of pickled plum and rice, very rum!

The topping on the burger is pureed daikon radish (called daikon oroshi) a common Japanese style topping you also see with fish.  The burger is accompanied with grilled eggplant, potato, and tomatoes.

February 17th Lunch

February 17th,

I made ginger chicken meatballs

Vinaigrette Pasta with Ginger Chicken Meatballs and Peppers.

Very yet delicious!!

February 16th Lunch

February 16th,


Yaki Tori Tamago Toji Don

Simple Yogurt Salad

February 15th Lunch

February 15th,

It's so cold!!

Pumpkin Tofu Pottage with Ginger Chicken Meatballs

Open Tuna Melt

February 14th Lunch

February 14th,

It's cold, it's cold, it's co~ld!!

Pumpkin and Cucumber with Meat Ankake

Ankake is a thick sauce.

Curried Carrot and Daikon Radish Yogurt Salad

Onion and Tofu Miso Soup

February 12th Lunch

February 12th,

Easy Japanese menu using canned sardines

Miso Sardine with Cucumber

Avocado and Tomato Yogurt Salad

Pumpkin and Tofu Miso Soup

February 11th Lunch

February 11th,

Meat Sauce and Cheese on Toast Topped with Avocado

Cucumber Egg Salad & Daikon Radish and Tomato Salad

February 10th Lunch

February 10th,

Made my favorite chicken meat sauce again.
It's super easy to make and very delicious!!

Meat Sauce and Cheese Open Sandwich Topped with Cucumber

Basil Oven Pumpkin Fries

Daikon Radish and Tomato Salad

February 9th Lunch

February 9th,


English Open Tuna Melt & Basil Oven Fries

Pumpkin Soup

February 8th Lunch

February 8th

It's so cold!!! I didn't want to stand in the kitchen for long.

So, I made a simple menu using only the toaster oven and silicon steamer.

English Muffin Pizza Toast with Peppers, Onions, and Fish Sausage

Basil Oven Pumpkin Fries

Apple Slices & Fruit Tomatoes

February 7th Lunch

February 7th

Day before a major snow storm!!


Chicken with Avocado Open English Sandwich & Oven Fries

Peppers and Fish Sausage Soup

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 6th Lunch

February 6th

Today's Lunch:

Avocado and Cottage Cheese Open English Sandwich with Daikon Radish Carrot Salad

Tofu and Pumpkin Pottage with Chicken

February 5th Lunch

February 5th


Basil Chicken with Tomato Sauce and Apple Pasta Salad

Pumpkin and Tofu Pottage with Fish Sausage

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 4th Lunch

February 4th


Egg and Tofu Stir Fry and Sweet and Sour Chicken

Daikon Raddish and Carrot Miso Soup